Orlando 2009 Vacation

16 November 2007

Little Yellow Rubber Duck

My wife and I had to go to the mall last night to get our daughter some new jeans and some unmentionables. On our way back out to the car we noticed a tiny, yellow rubber duck sitting in the middle of an empty parking spot. Since the parking lot itself was almost deserted it made the little duck seem very lonely and lost.

On the way home I could not help but wonder what story the little, yellow duck had to tell. Was it a story of abandonment or was it one of a quest to save his gaggle? Maybe he is searching for some spiritual answer as to why he is a rubber duck instead of a real duck. Maybe if he can find this answer he will become a real duck. There are so many possibilities...


Jeremiah said...

Perhaps the little yellow rubber duck thought he would enjoy the loneliness, yet at the final moment was relieved to see even a stranger. Did you think to talk to him?

Kerry Franklin said...

The real story is not as entertaining. We picked up the little ducky and gave it to someone as a chew toy for their cocker spaniel. I'm afraid it met a slobbery, painful end.